Fabrezan, door of Corbières, country of Charles Cros.
In Fabrezan, the communal gardens run along the quays of the Orbieu. The XNUMXth century keep, listed as a Historic Monument, watches over this pretty and very endearing village. At the bend of the alleys, several shaded squares: Place de la République and its weekly Friday market, Place Charles Cros, local child, inventor of the phonograph among others. Visit its museum in the Town Hall. The Chapel of Notre-Dame-de-Consolation dominates the vineyard and offers a
magnificent panorama. A motorhome area is located in a calm and natural setting, 300 m from the
town center. The Orbieu is a river whose name comes from "Or blau" in Occitan, which means "Blue Gold" because in the Corbières, water is a very precious resource.
WEEKLY MARKET every Friday morning from April to October.
In Fabresan, the òrts comunals ribejan los cais d'Orbiu. Lo domnhon del sègle 12, marcat als Monuments istorics, velha sus aqueste polit vilatge estacant. Al bestorn de las carrieretas, maitas plaças solombradas: plaça de la Republica e son mercat setmanèr del divendres; placed Charles-Cros, the child of the country, inventor of the fotografia among others. Visit his museum in the community. The capèla of Nòstra-Dama-de-Consolacion dominated the wine and offered a superb panorama. A motorhome airal is trapped in a calm and natural recess, 300 m from the center of the locality. Orbiu is a riu that its name vendriá d'Aur-blau in Occitan: in Corbièras, l'aiga es una ressorsa plan preciosa.
• Mercat every morning every day from April to October.
• Name: del Gallo-Roman Fabrius + suffix -anum.
• Estatjants: los fabresanencs, los fabresanòts
• Escais: los manja-piòts
• Say: - In Fabresan, its no carruts: trabahan que per far d'escuts.