Cruscades is a village surrounded by greenery and watered by the Orbieu, in the middle of a vast and rich vineyard. Open the door of the estates to taste the wines of this Corbières terroir. An easy hike in the shade of the plane trees follows the river before returning to the village through the vineyards.
Cruscadas is a village enrodat de verdura e asagat per Orbiu, al bèl mitan d’un grand e ric vinhal.
• Name: Cruscadas. Mai d'una ipotèsi: del mot iberic crusc, vilatge de silòs; from Occitan cruscar: preséncia dun molin? ; from a Gallo-Roman name: Cruscatus o cruciello; from the word arrucat (the ensalada)
• Estatjants: los cruscadèls
• Say: - Los cruscadèls son cruses. - Las femnas de Cruscadas son totas desruscadas. - Very stories from before lo fòc: the festa de Cruscadas. - Es coma la fièra de Cruscadas (when it's not funny). - La granda ruscada se farà a Cruscadas. - To Cruscadas, cruscan las noses. - Cruscadas! cuol of crabs! (in response to: Ornasons, cuol de gos!).